Students and Parents
Below are some answers to frequently asked questions from Purdue students and parents, along with some helpful resources.
Will the Office of Legal Counsel represent me in a lawsuit or personal matter?
The Office of Legal Counsel does not provide legal services to faculty, staff or students in their personal matters.
Purdue University's Student Legal Services (SLS) can assist students with many legal issues, including traffic tickets and landlord-tenant matters.
The Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) assists students and parents on an extraordinarily broad range of issues, including disability accommodations.
Other helpful resources for students and parents include the Office of the Registrar, Office of Admissions and Student Health Services.
I am the parent of a Purdue student. Can I see my son or daughter’s transcript, class schedule, or other education record?
As a parent, you may have been accustomed to seeing your child’s education records while he or she was in elementary or high school. When a student turns 18 years old or enters Purdue University at any age, all rights afforded to you as a parent under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99, transfer to the student (“eligible student”). However, FERPA provides ways in which Purdue University may—but is not required to—share information from an eligible student’s education records with parents, without the student’s consent. For example:
- Purdue may disclose education records to parents if the student is claimed as a dependent for tax purposes.
- Purdue may disclose education records to parents if a health or safety emergency involves their son or daughter.
- Purdue may inform parents if the student, if he or she is under age 21, has violated any law or policy concerning the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
- A school official may generally share with a parent information that is based on that official’s personal knowledge or observation of the student.
I have a complaint of harassment or discrimination against my professor or another Purdue employee. Who should I contact?
The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) assists campus community members in understanding the University's policies and procedures in the area of discrimination and harassment and assists in resolving complaints of discrimination and harassment. OIE has a defined process for handling both Informal and Formal Complaints.
I believe the University is responsible for damage to my property (ex: laptop, suitcase, car). Who should I contact?
Claims for such property loss or damage are handled by Purdue University’s Risk Management department.
Purdue police were called to my home recently. I would like to see the police report about the incident. Who do I contact?
Please contact the Purdue University Police Department. Please know that the information or record in which you are interested may not be releasable.
I am currently going through a University-administered disciplinary process. I would like to see all the records relevant to my role in the process. Who do I contact?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that a school provide a student with an opportunity to inspect and review his or her requested education records within 45 days following its receipt of a request. Additionally, under Purdue policy VIII.A.4, a student (or former student) will be provided an opportunity to inspect and review his record. Purdue’s consistent practice has been to provide an opportunity for students to inspect/review their education records, usually in the form of an in-person review. In order to schedule an inspection/review of your records, please contact the Office of Legal Counsel at (765) 496-3550.
I am the President of a club or student organization. I would like someone from the Office of Legal Counsel to speak to our group. Who should I contact?
Please contact the Office of Legal Counsel at (765) 496-3550 or (765) 496-1506 with your request. Please provide meeting dates, times, and topics of interest. We will do our best to fulfill your request.
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- Students and Parents